"LITTLE BLACK BOOK" ... Today is 1/1/07. First day of the year. Symbol of new beginnings, resolutions, putting the last year behind us. I woke up ready for my new day in my new year. I was going to start sorting through drawers and closets. I wanted to re-organize my home. After working for a bit I took a break to watch a movie I had rented ages ago call "Little Black Book". It would seem by watching the trailers of the film that it was just a sappy little comedy but I was intrigued. It captured me from the get go. Of course, it was a movie about boy meets girl, boy gets girl but it asked the question "does girl really want to keep boy because what does she really know about him?" AND if she does stay with him does she really want to know what is in the past? I mean, shouldn't the past be the past? It was, also, a movie about "hopes and dreams". A simple subject but in reality you never want to lose your hopes and dreams because that is what gets us out of bed every morning. The bottom line for me in the movie was to go after your hearts desire but use your head to do it.
Yesterday, 12/31/06, I was driving around town doing errands. Right in front of me was a Black Chevy Silverado. It was the same type of vehicle that caused our car accident back in July. I immediately felt frightened but the truck sped up and drove off far away from me. To me this symbolized leaving 2006 behind. After the movie today, I thought about the frightened feeling I got when I saw the truck. We can certainly leave the past in the past and move forward. We can start each day with new dreams, new ideas, new hopes but we don't leave ALL the past in the past. We do take a part of us with us.
I doubt there will ever come a day when I can see a Black Chevy Silverado and not think about the accident and get a frightened feeling but I do know the feeling will pass and I will feel safe once again. There will always be something about our past that will strike some sort of cord with us. Hearing certain names will still make us angry, or driving by a special place that no longer exists and we still become sad. These are just memories in our hearts but we need to use our heads to deal with them.
The movie didn't end the way I thought it would. It ended the way it should have ended, the way I hope 2007 does for me. The way it SHOULD.
Yesterday, 12/31/06, I was driving around town doing errands. Right in front of me was a Black Chevy Silverado. It was the same type of vehicle that caused our car accident back in July. I immediately felt frightened but the truck sped up and drove off far away from me. To me this symbolized leaving 2006 behind. After the movie today, I thought about the frightened feeling I got when I saw the truck. We can certainly leave the past in the past and move forward. We can start each day with new dreams, new ideas, new hopes but we don't leave ALL the past in the past. We do take a part of us with us.
I doubt there will ever come a day when I can see a Black Chevy Silverado and not think about the accident and get a frightened feeling but I do know the feeling will pass and I will feel safe once again. There will always be something about our past that will strike some sort of cord with us. Hearing certain names will still make us angry, or driving by a special place that no longer exists and we still become sad. These are just memories in our hearts but we need to use our heads to deal with them.
The movie didn't end the way I thought it would. It ended the way it should have ended, the way I hope 2007 does for me. The way it SHOULD.