The "Broad" Cast

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My favorite title is "Mom". Joe is the best! I am a firm believer that God exists. I usually vote Democrat. What else do you want to know? Oh yes, I am fortunate enough to be blessed with a great family and good friends.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

YOU DO THE MATH ... I was told to get over a relationship it takes half the time you were in it. That would mean it should have taken me 7 years to get over a relationship that I was in for 14 years and 9 months to get over a relationship I was in for 18 months. Of course in reality I was over the 14 year relationship in a heartbeat. (yes, contrary to popular belief I was OVER HIM in less than a minute. it was the damage he did to others that I wasn't "over" and I still have a hard time with). The 18 month relationship was a bit more tricky.

I made a comment recently that I vent and it is done. A person listening to the conversation said "if you're venting than it isn't done because then something else comes up in regards to that and you vent again. Get over it already. Move on." Well, I am "over" it and I have moved on.

As my son's step-mom said to me "better out then in". I love that. If I am venting for that moment than I am getting it out. I go on with the rest of my life. If I hold it in then it weighs me down and prevents me from going forward. There is no time line in how long it takes to "get over" someone or some moment in time. There is, however, a time when you need to move forward. If my friends, my true friends, feel it is holding me back from going forward believe me they will tell me. I can't tell you how many times I have heard "okay, with that said, pick yourself up, brush yourself off and move on". I do.

As life goes on there will be moments that will bring us back to a hard time, a sad time, an angry time, etc. Are we not allowed to "vent"? Get angry? Be sad? I allow myself those times. It doesn't mean I am not over it! Don't listen if you feel I vent too much. Don't hold me if I need to cry one more time about it. Walk away if you don't want to see the anger. These moments I have will pass. They have not held me back (in this past year especially) from going forward. If I see someone who is angry, sad or venting over a specific person or incident in their life all it means to me is they must have been passionate about it, that it truly meant something to them and that is a good thing. Only if you allow it to hold you back is there trouble.