The "Broad" Cast

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My favorite title is "Mom". Joe is the best! I am a firm believer that God exists. I usually vote Democrat. What else do you want to know? Oh yes, I am fortunate enough to be blessed with a great family and good friends.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I have written about my son on many occasions. I am so blessed and often wonder why God would send ME this magnificent child. He touches people's lives in so many ways. I am told almost daily of stories what he means to family, friends, peers, teachers, etc. So why me? I love him with all my heart and soul but I certainly am not the best parent for the job. I didn't choose well as far as fathers go so why would God send you, My Son, to me? Why was I so lucky?

I promise you, Joe, to do the very best I can to be a good mom. I promise to never leave you, to move away, or to move on without your consent or knowledge. I will never bring anyone into your life without your 100% approval. I will do my best to give you the best life possible.

Please remember nothing that has occurred was your fault or your doing in any way. You will come across people in your life that will disappoint you especially the people that should love you the most. You are special and God gave you a gift. Cherish it, use it. You are blessed and are destine for great things. I cannot promise that you will never be hurt again by the ones that should love and protect you first and foremost but know there are a number of people out there that do love and cherish you, most importantly me and Greg.

I love you the most,



Blogger JHS said...

I am constantly awed and amazed by the depth of your commitment to and love for Joey. He's a great kid, to be sure, but you are a role model for us all! Sometimes even the best kids are still kids and being a mother is stressful . . . but you demonstrate tremendous grace, patience, and devotion. I'm inspired by you!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Jea9 said...

Janie, I needed to hear that right about now. You have no idea. Harry married last week and told Joe after the fact. Joe was hurt and I wondered how good a parent am i that I chose such an awful person to father my child. I do love that kid with my heart and soul. I will be damned if I will let Harry break his heart one more time!

6:57 AM  
Blogger JHS said...

You can't control what Harry does. You can only do the best that you can do. Joe knows that, too, and will have a gradually greater appreciation of that fact as he gets older. He will look back and realize who was there for him . . . and who wasn't. And behave accordingly. Harry's not an awful person . . . he's just a flawed human being who thinks more of himself than his kid. As an attorney, I can't tell you how many times I've seen parents like that. They sit around the courthouse with their new squeeze (whom they flaunt in front of the kids) arguing about how much time the kids will be with each of them, not because they really want them around, but because they want to escape child support payments. You and Harry never did that, for which you should both be proud. And even though Harry hasn't been around as much as he should, you know that he loves Joe in his own limited way. Joe will come to realize that, too, and, hopefully, forgive his father because if he carries around anger, hurt, and resentment it will only hurt him in the long run.

In my opinion, the best thing you can do for Joe is just continue doing what you have always done --- give him unconditional love and support, and BE THERE. He is a truly great kid and the results of your dedicated parenting are already reflected in him.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Jea9 said...

Thanks, once again, my friend.

P.S. Can I at least hate Harry a little bit? (LOL)

5:40 PM  

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